Consumer Alert!

Northwest Museum of Legends and Lore
formerly the Seattle UFO Paranormal Group's information
and Report on Jonathan Reed and
the "Alien in the Freezer" Story

Its a HOAX!

We would rather be known for stating the truth than to further a fraudulent story.

Updated Sept. 20, 2023

Fake Aliens
Jonathan Reed's fake alien in 2001 and Jaime Maussan's alien in 2023.

Consumer Alert

It has made national news, NPR, Associated Press and ABC news about Mexican researcher Jaime Maussan unveiling two alien bodies to the Mexican Congress.

But this isn't the first time Jaime Maussan has promoted an alien body.

The Northwest Museum of Legends and Lore in 2001 investigated a hoax that would later be promoted (and unfortunately still is) by UFO personality Jaime Maussan. 

Called the Jonathan Reed "Alien in the Freezer" hoax, this story created national attention on the Art Bell radio show until it was investigated that the "DNA expert"
cited by Reed to legitimize his story was actually a mini-mart employee in West Seattle.

The museum just recently updated and relinked our longstanding museum page of this hoax to call out such exhibits on their lack of verification and as potential scams.
We believe both countries, the US and Mexico are seriously trying to identify aerial phenomenon to improve security. And with hoaxes and scams in the arena, we feel this does increase the reluctance of witnesses to report national security sightings.

Please post or forward this past investigation in an effort to create consumer awareness or for those who may have questions about Jaime Maussan's history with promoting hoaxers.

Charlette LeFevre and Philip Lipson
Directors, NW Museum of Legends and Lore

Northwest Museum of Legends and Lore
The Seattle Museum of the Mysteries and the Seattle UFO / Paranormal Group - now the Northwest Museum of Legends and Lore
is an independant non-profit organization.
Additionally the
Seattle UFO / Paranormal Group does not endorse Jaime Maussan, Donald Ware or any persons who have irresponsibly furthered the hoax story
having full knowlege of our report posted after April 2001.

Reed hoax

Johnathan Reed's photo of an alien he encountered in the Northwest
Photos below
Statements from Local Investigation,
Coordinator's comments, Seattle Information disclosed
and Seattle Weekly article
(and a very funny Spanish re-translation)

Security Guard, Jonathan Reed, Robert Raith and Shawn Atlanti
after the presentation signing books at the International UFO Congress, March 2000.

Anyone recognizing Reed - please contact the Northwest Museum of Legends and Lore formerly the
Seattle Chat Club.

Mini Mart in West Seattle where Harold Chacon and Robert (Raith) Aria were co-workers for several years until April of 2001.

The Seattle UFO/Paranormal Group states the Jonathan Reed story was unfortunately a hoax created by a group of friends. Jonathan Reed's real name is Jonathan Rutter and his story of an alien encounter near Snoqualmie Pass we assert never happened. His girlfriend of 15 years (report and statements below) kicked him out of their residence in 1998, two years after the alleged alien encounter. Any incidents Jonathan claimed would have been impossible to occur including a dog as his girlfriend of 15 years states he never owned a dog and was allergic to animals.

The Seattle Group saw no reason to continue any investigation after it was disclosed and confirmed Rutter's story was fabricated in April of 2001. Confirmed by the co-author's room-mate Larry who stated in April 2001 to the Seattle Group he was in the same room as the perpatrating "doctor" Harold Chacon and witnessed verbal "coaching" and facts substantiated by the co-author's Robert Raith's employer at a mini-mart gas station in West Seattle. Robert Aria contradicted his own claims by claiming on national radio he did not know Harold Chacon previously who claimed DNA analysis yet they had been co-workers for five years. Essentially Robert Aria lied and
Jonathan's associates mislead the public by perpetrating their identities as PHD doctors and landlords when instead they had been employed as mini mart attendants for the previous five years.
Art Bell contacted the group soon after our discovery in April of 2001 believing Reed's associates assertion that "old people will be hurt" and we removed his name from the Chat Club to make Art feel more comfortable. We believe the "old people will be hurt" comment was a threat or concern or both. Regardless, the Seattle Group will always ask reasonable and responsible questions and continue to seek the truth even if it is unpopular.

Jonathan and his associates as informed to us by their former room-mates have since 2001 returned to live with their parents. Jonathan in West Seattle and Robert (Raith) Aria in California. We suggest anyone who felt they were defrauded (as sales were based on this story being true) by either paying for their talks, video or book we recommend consumers to contact the WA State Attorney General to submit a report or their local consumer organization. At this point we consider this case closed with a strong mention of buyer beware. We hope if Jonathan does make any statements its to apologize to the UFO community for making heinous false accusations and exploiting his story here in the U.S., Mexico and Japan for his own needs and an apology to contactees who have had real experiences. At this point everyone stands on their own merit of responsibility and if you will, karma.

We invite the public to read the below information for your own discernment as a consumer report to the unwary. Indeed, it reads like a comedy with the only merit of the story demonstrating how far a person can further a story without a single page of documentation or third party evidence.

Our moto is "Believe" but you can rest assured not in the "Jonathan Reed Alien in the Freezer" story!

- Charlette LeFevre, President Seattle UFO/Paranormal Group
Director, NW Museum of Legends and Lore

Any questions will be gladly answered.

May 3, 2002 - Brief excerpts from: Case Exposed - A Mystery in the Pacific Northwest The Alien Tale of Jonathan Reed

by Kathleen Anderson

NOTE: MUFON never published this report even though President John Schussler commissioned Kathleen Anderson to this investigation. As such the Seattle Group hopes MUFON's takes responsiblity to alerting the public to cases that hoax and scam the public regarding UFOs. Arguably MUFON should have at least put forth a statement or cursory investigation on this high profile story - a story that was supposedly "the best evidence since Roswell" when it first came out in the fall of 1998. They did not and and hence likely contributed to the furthering of this hoax over the next three years at major conferences and in Mexico and Japan with harmful results to the UFO communitie's credibility. To date, MUFON has no active meetings in Washington and does not have a website.

The Pacific Northwest has long been the location of myth and mystery. Stories of Sasquatch, the Yakima Earthlight, and Batsquatch have lingered through its history. It was here in 1947 that the Kenneth Arnold sighting of nine objects over Mt. Rainier opened the door to our current enthusiasm and study of ufology. Through public lectures and websites many of us are already familiar with the following case study and media event...

My first knowledge of this case was two years later in 1998 when Peter Davenport of the National UFO Reporting Center called and asked if I heard of this event. Reed had appeared on Art Bell's Coast to Coast unfolding to the public his alien tale. Reed had stated that he had called Peter Davenport as well as MUFON two days after the incident....

The Investigation Begins

Peter Davenport keeps meticulous records and tapes of his phone calls. Recalling to October of 1996 we both thought back to our whereabouts. Ironically we were at the Brisbane Australia MUFON UFO conference in which Peter, Robert Fairfax Co-State Section, MUFON Director Walt Andrus and I were in attendance. Peter and Bob stayed until the end of October of 1996. I then called Marilyn and Larry Childs Western State Director for MUFON and neither had remembered any phone calls around that time.

Art Bell during an interview with Reed asked if he had spoken to Peter Davenport directly. When I asked a Reed spokesperson if they had talked with Peter himself, the response was "anyone who is just trying to nit-pick the bejesus out of this case would have simply assumed that he was referring to the Center not necessarily Davenport specifically." Most people know that Peter Davenport "is" the National UFO Reporting Center....

Reed's Media Odyssey Begins

On November 06, 1998, ...Raith choreographed the stage for Jonathan Reed's radio appearance. Robert Raith also known as Robert "Bobby" Aria has been a long time listener and fan of the Art Bell show. Ironically, I know Bobby Aria. He lives in West Seattle Washington, within one mile of my home and works at a West Seattle mini-mart and he knows I am a MUFON investigator. He told me in 1997 that he was writing a fiction book about UFOs. I asked him the details and he told me it was about "necco dancing". I asked what the term meant and he said it was about "fighting" demons that evade our sleep. He also said he had a partner he was working with. The investigation took a turn to my own neighborhood....

Hello Neighbor

I also know Harold Chacon. He is a co-worker of Robert Aria at the West Seattle Mini Mart. Harold lives within one block of Robert Aria/Raith and they have worked together since 1997. An undisclosed source has stated that Raith and Chacon were in the same apartment the night of this broadcast. Conversation was overheard at what appeared to be "coaching" by Mr. Raith to Chacon...

Two other dedicated researchers on this case have been Charlette LeFevre and Phillip Lipson of the Seattle UFO/Paranormal Chat Club, a UFO and paranormal research group located in Seattle. While following up an unannounced visit to the mini mart after hearing that Chacon had "fled the country", they found Robert Raith working and had conveniently run out the back door upon their arrival. The Chat Club, Royce Meyers - UFOWatchdog, Jim Klotz, of CUFON another Seattle based UFO organization and myself could find no record of Dr. Jonathan Reed? Why? The person portraying Dr. Reed is actually John Bradley Rutter, born on June 3, 1953 in Seattle Washington...

Who is John Bradley Rutter?

Friends come forward

So who is John Bradley Rutter? John Rutter is a big fan of Art Bell. He started writing a fictional account of alien encounter in the mid 90s. John was a big fan of the "XFiles", it was his favorite show. Friends have said that John has been a man of stories since most of the 20 years they have known him. .....

More long lost friends come forward

Denise (last name omitted) knows John Rutter very well. John Rutter lived with her mother, Barb, from 1983 until 1998. Denise has said, "I met him when I was 13 years old" he supposedly was a psychiatrist." "the story was something like he and a group of doctors he worked with all got sued and his liability insurance didn't cover the terms of the court settlement or some garbage like that. Johnny told Barb he was broke and couldn't pay for anything. So Barb wound up paying for everything."

Rutter's friends have done some investigating themselves since learning of

John's new identity. Rutter has some over 15 name variations of credit cards such as "J.Bradley Rutters, Dr. J.B.Rutter, John B. Rutters and even a few with Rutters as the last name. ....

When UFOWatchDog asked Werner if Rutter spent time hiking, his reply was,

"I happen to know that Johnny does not hike in the woods as he is allergic to everything that is found in a yard, let alone a forest. A hike for him was walking out of his old Volvo wagon."

Werner says his friendship with Rutter ended in 1998. Barb... found some sort of note addressed to another woman named Valerie. Barb reportedly kicked Rutter out of her home they were sharing when she also found out he was not a doctor at all.

Denise ...has summed up the saga of Dr. Jonathan Reed. When Royce Meyers asked her if she knew about Rutter killing an alien she replied, "No he never mentioned it to me. But I talked with my aunt Joann yesterday about this and she was telling me that her husband knew all about this. I guess Jonathan had approached him many years ago and told him about this whole story that he was going to pass off as fact."

Location, location, location

Reed claims his friend and landlord at the time of this incident was Larry Arthur. .... Larry Arthur is really Larry Seiber. Larry and John are friends and they built a sound studio in Seiber's home.

... And the dog, everyone has asked, "what really happened to Suzy, the dog?" Bill Werner cleared up the matter by stating, "He (Rutter) has not owned or had a pet, especially a dog, since his childhood. Again this is because of the aforementioned allergies. ... And Gary? What became of Reed's partner in crime, Gary? We learned that Reed did have a friend Gary who was an early victim of HIV....

In the meantime, our search for extraterrestrial life won't be in Washington State and certainly not in the fiction book, "Link: An Extraterrestrial Odyssey".

Kathleen Andersen has been a member of MUFON since 1995 and is the State Section Director for the Seattle Washington area. She is a free lance writer who has been a columnist for Quest and Beyond magazine of the UK. She has been the MC for UFO Expo West in Los Angeles and San Francisco, The MUFON Brisbane Australia Conference 1996 and the Pacific Northwest UFO Conference in 2001 and again in May, 2002.

"The worthwhile aspect of looking into this story is that it does test people's belief levels and demonstrates that a little bit of healthy questioning can reveal the truth...and for me personally - that a dog may not have died after all".
- Charlette LeFevre

Coordinators' Comments:

The Seattle Chat Club is an informal respective group created to discuss intriguing topics. We also find it respective at times to challenge claims. There are no battles here, we don't intend on creating any and there are no "bad guys" in this story. (to some people's dismay). Sorry, no dark government guys or conspiracies or secret groups. Our statements and findings may not be popular - but hey, its the truth. We had no idea that what amounted to simply visiting the front counter of a mini-mart gas station would disclose and unravel this story or be met with such defensiveness. Hey, one of our members even bought a candy bar. But the facts that we confirmed is something we can stand in - unwavering to meet any adversity or questioning. Ideally, this shouldn't be a story that divides people and where people are labeled "believers" or "non-believers" or any other labels. Sorry to say it is a disappointment. If you are looking for mystery and intrigue - read no further, but I think you will find this story even comical. (see below also for English of a Spanish translation). Yeh, it popped a small bubble for us - but this format is larger than one person and we will continue to believe in this arena.

Oct. 2001 - Kathleen Anderson - Washington State Sec. Director of MUFON is now continuing the investigation of the Reed story formally for MUFON. The Seattle Chat Club supports this inquiry and investigation and is looking forward to when this formal report will issued. Our findings and statements are posted below.

NOTE: MUFON never published this report even though MUFON Intl. President John Schussler commissioned Kathleen Anderson to this investigation.

July 17, 2001 - In April of 2001, myself and Philip Lipson, Co-coordinator of the Seattle Chat Club followed up information given to us by a man claiming to be the former roomate of Robert Raith whose real name is Robert Aria. - co-author of Reed's Book. We confirmed independently that both Robert Aria and Harold Chacon - the so called Microbiologist who claimed to do definitive DNA testing both were currently co-workers at a gas station mini-mart in West Seattle - confirmed by the current manager of the business. It was subsequently verified by Kathleen Anderson State Sec. Director of MUFON for the state of Washington (who unbeknownst to her at the time living in the same area) knew both Robert and Harold and additionally confirmed that Mr. Chacon had been a long time employee at the mini-mart since May 1997.
Further information confirmed leads us to believe beyond a reasonable doubt this story was a collaborative effort over a nine month period among a small group of people and contrary to Aria's statements, he was known to be an avid radio listener of the paranormal and was always talking of writing a book - in fact had started one on ET encounters he called under a different title "Neco Dancing".

Jonathan Reed previously by e-mail last year had informed the Seattle Chat Club that Harold Chacon
"Had been beaten up and had left the country" as the reason no DNA analysis report was ever published. Harold Chacon it was confirmed was still employed at the mini-mart.
The issue is not that Mr. Chacon or Aria work at a mini-mart (with all due respect to all mini-mart attendants) but rather they falsely posed as credentialed degreed persons with intent on notoriety and selling a book.

Additionally, the Univ. of Washington's PHD program indicated this year that they have no record of a Harold Chacon
in their records.

Subsequent supporters and their info have shown association for publicity and"witnesses", "evidence" and "statements" have yet after five years to show any third party verification. Jonathan Reed also was recently divorced which may explain furniture and items removed from his residence and from what we have been informed may have a half brother who is employed at the Seattle Art Institute - in film.

We have sincerely put forth this information initially to definitively define this story either way but to quote a retired Seattle police officer - "Negatives cannot be proven" and knowing this would not be popular but truthful none the less. This for us was definitive proof for us on this story to the point that we do not have a problem signing our names to our statements. Currently we have no intentions of sensationalizing this story.

Mini Mart in West Seattle where Harold Chacon and Robert (Raith) Aria were co-workers for several years until April of 2001. The posting of this photograph is to show for validity the location of our inquiries and where we tried to meet Robert Aria forthright as as the co-author of Reed's book. Unfortunately (and disappointing) Robert ran out the back door before we even entered the store and his co-worker tried in a weak manner to explain his quick departure. (note: the co-worker remaining at the counter who tried to explain Robert's quick departure was at the same time trying to casually eat a bag of cheetos). It is not our intention to further photograph Harold or Robert as their employment has been confirmed by more than several people including the Manager of the store and additionally by Kathleen Anderson of MUFON. Harold Chacon has worked there since May of 1997. It is well known also that Robert Aria has been a long term co-worker at the mini-mart for the last four years until recently and it is believed that Harold Chacon still works at this location. If anyone needs additional verification we will gladly reply.
(in all honesty, our intention is not to make this any more pathetic than it already is)

Again, the information given is not to degrade the employment of Chacon (with all due courtesy to mini-mart attendants throughout the nation) but show the lack of credentials and degrees that was presented to listeners of this story. Our question is to please prove to us how a mini mart attendent has the background, credentials, funds and facilites to sequence DNA samples so definitive as to exclude all the species on this earth to claim that what he had was unknown and to imply it was extraterrestrial?
We assert it is impossible even for the the highest credentialed PHD analysts even at the best Universities in the world. Chacon has not published a single page of analysis for public or peer review - an afront to anyone in the scientific or UFO community or anyone who has a degree in science where publishing and documenting findings is considered ethical - especially to discoveries of this supposed magnitude. Not to mention an insult to the public in assuming a scientific DNA analysis would be accepted from an active mini-mart attendent regardless of any minor degrees.

Statements from associates of Robert and Reed confirm that they had full knowlege of Chacon, his background and whereabouts and hence were deceptive and misleading in their statements.

Coordinators' Comments:

To address any questions about our investigations or inquiries - all our inquiries have been forthright and honest and any statement contrary to this may be taken in offensive given that Philip Lipson the Seattle Chat Club's Co-coordinator is JEWISH and derogatory comments will NOT be tolerated. We believe the Reed camp is defensive for initially verifying background information offered to us and to dissuade us from further checking out claims. The Seattle Chat Club is a diverse discussion group comprised of UFO researchers and people from the academic, metaphysical and spiritual community and our intention is to no less stop asking questions and inquiries than to stop the respective support of this arena.

We already know the public (including us) is intelligent enough to decide for themselves Reed's claims and the information the Seattle Chat Club has provided can be easily verified by half a dozen people and should be self evident. The facts we have confirmed to date are satisfactory enough for us to prove definitively the collaboration and agenda of Reed and his associates. We have passed this information on to MUFON and hope they disseminate this bit of information with their large network and due to their formality of investigation but if anyone has any questions we will gladly reply in the honest open forthright manner we have intended as our chat club format.

In seeking of truth, we hope that others in the UFO community presents the facts we have disclosed and can present balanced views in fairness so people can indeed decide for themselves.

- Charlette LeFevre and Philip Lipson, Coordinators Seattle Chat Club, NW Museum of Legends and Lore

Transcript segments as relates to Harold Chacon's supposed credentials and his supposed relationship with Reed and Raith from 12/9/1999

Seattle Weekly Article (English from Spanish translation below)

Published May 24 - 30, 2001
The alien in my freezer - Radio host Art Bell and some Seattle fans squabble over a local UFO

LIKE THE LATE-NIGHT RADIO UFO talk show host they admire, Seattle Art Bell Chat Club members believe aliens are out there. They just question whether the evidence ever existed in Jonathan Reed's freezer.
Club members thought they were doing Bell a favor by unearthing information that one of Reed's supporters, who claims to be a microbiologist who conducted DNA test on Reed's alien nemesis, may be employed at a gas station in West Seattle. What the club members got for their pains was the boot: a request from Bell to remove his name from their fan club about three weeks ago.
The group complied, adopting the more generic title "Seattle Chat Club," but "We're hurt," says Philip Lipson, who runs the Seattle Metaphysical Library, which is perched above a dry cleaners shop off Broadway and is the site of the club's regular meetings. "We have always supported Art Bell. We didn't think we had to believe the stories he broadcast to remain a part of the club network."

Details of Reed's alleged alien encounter are hardly new and are widely questioned even within UFO circles. For the uninitiated: Reed claims he discovered an alien and its obelisk-shaped spacecraft while hiking in the

Cascades in 1996, and that he killed the alien after it turned his beloved golden retriever, Suzy, into dust. (See Reed's Web site,, for the full story and "photo evidence.") Reed says he

then dragged the body home and threw it in his freezer, where it came alive again and screamed before it was mysteriously whisked away as part of a government conspiracy.

Bell, who created Coast to Coast A.M., the phenomenal late-night radio program about UFOs and the paranormal, has had Reed appear four times on his show as a featured guest. Since the show dominates its time slot, 10 p.m. to 3 a.m., in 430 markets around the country, Reed's appearances have raised his profile significantly in UFO circles. In the Seattle area, where Bell's show has its highest ratings in the county, Reed's story raised great interest and serious questions among local UFOlogists.

In an earnest tone, Charlette LeFevre, the Seattle Chat Club coordinator,explains her concerns: "Let me explain that I believe in the existence of UFOs," says LeFevre. "But there were things about Jonathan's story that just seemed wrong. Hoax stories like Jonathan's discredit true UFO sightings."

Reed claims he has a Ph.D., but says his records have been expunged and that he's been shot at and targeted by the same government officials who lifted his alien. Questions have recently surfaced about his compatriots, including Robert Raith, the coauthor of Reed's published account of the encounter,

Link: An Extraterrestrial Odyssey, and Harold Chacon. Chacon appeared on a recent edition of Bell's show with Reed, claiming he was a certified microbiologist and that he had examined the alien's DNA and could confirm it was neither animal nor human. Bell says he never bothered to check Chacon's credentials.

"He presented himself as a microbiologist," says Bell. "Look, I'm a radio talk-show host, not an investigative journalist. In these types of stories, people always claim their records have been erased or destroyed."

WHEN A MAN claiming to be Raith's roommate strolled into the Metaphysical Library about a month ago and said Raith's "real last name" was Aria and that he and Chacon worked at a Chevron gas station in West Seattle, LeFevre and Lipson decided to check it out for themselves.

LeFevre contends she called the station and confirmed both Chacon's and Aria's employment with the manager. They then visited the gas station, where LeFevre claims she saw Raith (whom she had met previously) behind the counter.

"When [Raith] saw me, he took off like a chickenshit," she says, chuckling. "I know it was him."

LeFevre acknowledges that she never saw Chacon in person at the station. But she received surprising support for her skepticism when she next brought the matter to the attention of Kathleen Andersen, a Washington state director of the national Mutual UFO Network.

"I was floored. . . . [Chacon and Raith] lived down the street from me four years ago," says Andersen, a former West Seattle resident. "You could have knocked me over with a feather," she continues. "I knew both Harold Chacon and Robert--we had dinner together, and I know they both worked at the Chevron station. Robert was always talking about writing a science fiction book about UFOs and people from other dimensions."

When asked by the Weekly if Harold Chacon and Robert Raith were employed there, the manager of the Chevron station refused to comment, saying he "didn't want to get involved."

While Reed, Raith, and Chacon were unavailable for comment, their friend and spokesman, Dan Iaria, did agree to an e-mail interview. He didn't, however, directly answer the question about Raith's and Chacon's employment. "Many authors, freelance writers, and actors take on part-time jobs that are flexible in order to supplement their income as they struggle to survive. Again, how is this relevant to Dr. Reed's evidence?" writes Iaria.

He continues, "Harold Chacon, at the time he began helping Dr. Reed with the specimen analysis, was a student at Seattle University. Again, it is not unusual for students to take on flexible, part-time work to supplement their income while they complete their education."

One week after the gas station visit, LeFevre got an e-mail and subsequent phone call from Bell requesting his name be removed from her group. This is because, LeFevre believes, she's revealing evidence that one of Bell's best stories might be false.

Bell denies he has a problem with the club proving or disproving the credibility of any guests on his show. "I welcome the Seattle Chat Club to investigate Jonathan Reed," says Bell. "That's not the issue at all." What did worry him, he said, were reports that the Seattle chapter, specifically LeFevre and Lipson, were supposedly "interrogating" people in a "Nazi-like" fashion.

"I'm not a fan of fan clubs in the first place," says Bell. "I've never encouraged them, but nevertheless, they've formed anyway. None of them have a direct legal connection to me. But I thought the purpose was to allow people to come and speak to them about these topics, not to use my name to conduct an investigation."

Bell is understandably sensitive to legal disputes. He returned this February to Coast to Coast A.M., following a nearly yearlong hiatus, after pursuing and winning a libel case against a former FBI agent who accused him of child molestation. The lawsuit occurred after a schoolteacher actually sexually assaulted Bell's own son.

The veracity of Reed's claim, says Bell, is unimportant, though he admits he wouldn't feature a guest who was a proven fraud. "It's a fascinating story--you don't get many like Jonathan Reed's, with pictures," says Bell.

"But anything on my show could be true or a hoax. I feel my audiences are adults and can decide for themselves what to believe."

But LeFevre and Lipson say that, despite the disclaimers, people look to Art Bell as an authority and that he lends legitimacy to a story when he features a guest repeatedly on the show.

Doubtful stories like Reed's subsequently tarnish the more authoritative, scientifically based UFO research, claims LeFevre. "We will continue to look into the Reed case," she promises.

Spanish Traslation in English

The Fraud of the E.T. of the Dr Jonathan Reed

from Digital Magazine Cronos

The story of the congealed E.T. and Jonathan Reed it was invented by employees of a powerboat.

May 26, 2001 - Fans of the radial program de(sic) Art Bell create in the existence of extraterrestrial. Nevertheless, they question if it demonstrates sometimes existed in the freezer of Jonathan Reed.

The members of the fan club of already the famous program American of Art Bell has decided to send a campaign stops to hurl to Reed and to make sure that he does not return to the radial program. This happened as a result of which it was revealed that the scientific assumption that I analyze the DNA of the "extraterrestrial one" and the Co-author of the book of Reed exerts its true profession like bombeadores of gasoline in a station of Seattle, state of Washington. The controversial and explosive case of Jonathan Reed was revealed to the air in program of Art Bell in 1996. All the data on the case have been published in the Internet site . But the excellent thing of the case was that Reed, that assures to have a doctorate and it has not been able to show his title to anybody, it had an encounter with an extraterrestrial one when it walked with his small dog by a park. The foreign being killed his small dog after this one surprised it and it was put to bark to him. Reed, left to the defense his mascot and "I kill '" to extraterrestrial of an assumption "leñazo" in the head. Shortly after, the fear seized of and decided to surround the stranger to be in a thermal sheet later to take it to the freezer of its house. At the moment, the controversial case of Jonathan Reed has become one of the excellent subjects but between enthusiastic of the ufología in Latin America.

The same level of controversy appeared in the United States when the case Bell revealed itself recently in the program of Art but of four years. Nevertheless, the last revelations on this one case have disappointed to those who sometimes believed in this one. According to Reed, the test of DNA to the extraterrestrial one was lead by individual of name Harold Chacón. The test revealed that the stranger to be no animal was human nor. Chacón, that also assures to be a "Microbiologist" and it has not been able to show his title anybody, also has been invited to the program of Art Bell, but the famous speaker did not bother itself in verifying the title nor the credentials of these two prattlers. The excuse that has used these patanes is of which the government has destroyed them his documents, as well as data bases that filed their comprobantes of studies. Another prattler of name Robert Raith, that was Co-author of the book published by Reed, he has been a frequent guest in the program of Bell. impressive revelation on this case was discovered when an individual that it assures to have been renter of Raith confessed that the true name of Robert Raith was "Aryan Robert". Finally, but decepcionarte was when this one individual indicated that Aria and Chacón worked in a powerboat of Chevron company located to the west of the city of Seattle.

When two members of the radius club of Art Bell found out on this one falsification, decided to find out it by themselves. Charlote LeFevre, coordinadota of the page of chat of radio monitorings of Art Bell, and Philip Lipson, that is director of a local Metaphysical library, obtained to verify that inequivocadamente they were used of this powerboat after to have made a telephone call with the supervisor of the Chevron station. LeFevre, that had known Robert Raith previously, took surprise of its life when visiting the powerboat and finding to "Raith" after counter. Immediately, the prattler lay down to run cowardly to to see it. "When it saw me", LeFevre counts, "lay down to run like a hen showing an expression of ridicule in its face ". LeFevre I report the incident to Kathelen Andersen, director of " Mutual UFO Network "of the state of Washington. For its surprise, Andersen already had known Harold Chacón and Robert "Raith" or Aryan in a meeting. She I assure that both individual they had to him counted that glided to write a science book fiction. Reed, Raith and Chacón have evaded to the press since they were exposed. By another part, Art Bell could comment out certain on the matter. " he presented/displayed as a microbiologist "says Bell. "They watch, single I I am a speaker, no I am investigator; ademas, but followed of which we imagined, much people it assures that its record has been destroyed to them by individuals that try to dim its credibility ", continued. "very We are disappointed," always said to Philip Lipson. " we had supported the Art Bell ". "Permítame to explain that I believe in existence of ufos, "said LeFevre." But there were many anomalies in story of Jonathan ". One week after the visit to the station powerboat, LeFevre received electronic mail and a telephone call of Art Bell requesting to him that it resigned to the fan club. Without place to doubt, Art Bell was bothered that it had revealed the truth on one of the excellent news but of its radial program.

Bell assures not to have anything against the club; even if these question the credibility of certain guests of the program. Nevertheless, it assures that what in truth worried to him, he said, were information in the newspapers that they mentioned specifically that LeFevre and Lipson, were using tactical "" Nazi" of interrogation to these people. "In the first place, I am not enthusiastic of these clubs ", Bell says. "I never have animated them that they integrated; nevertheless, the liking forces them to form them. None of them it has an affiliation or legal association with my program. Its intention is of to allow to discuss to these subjects and the one them not to use my name to direct one investigation ". On the other hand, LeFevre promised to continue investigating the case of Jonathan Reed until exposing its fraud completely.

Past Postings:
"The truth is out there"
(and we think we found it)

April 11, 2001
Information we have received regarding Reed's story
has now been forwarded responsibly and properly
to Washington MUFON for investigation.

Hi Ya'll!

I just got back from the International UFO Congress and there is much to say but would like to make a few comments about Jonathan Reed, his presentation and some insight on what I saw and heard and have investigated so far.

For myself, Reed's presentation brought forth more questions than it answered and now having seen "100%" of the information and having met Jonathan Reed, I can't say I believe this story. Thats NOT to say I don't believe in UFOs or extraterrestrials but what I do believe is that Reed psychologically believes his story in his mind and that something traumatic happened to him.

In briefly describing Reed's presentation Thursday March 9th at the Congress, Jonathan sat with his publisher and Robert Raith on stage and presented his videos and photos. Robert Raith read some passages from Reed's new book and introduced Reed.

Reed showed the video of him filming the obelisk and entity on the ground. A video of him unwrapping the entity. Photo stills were shown. A gentleman showed his analysis of the video with what he believes shows the entity blinking. The bracelet was shown and described analysis from Osaka Japan.

They announced DNA results have not been published yet. (Supposedly the researcher was beaten up and left the country.) Reed showed photos of his shoulder where he supposedly was shot. They "took" questions. Jonathan wasn't available for questioning during the week. Robert Raith and Pam McCloud his publisher were there to take and answer questions and had a table in the exhibit/vendors area to sell their books.

I had wanted to believe Reed's story frankly, in light of hearing about San Diego's review and expecting to being persuaded, but I was disappointed. Disappointed that Reed didn't present any additional "90% more info" than what we have already heard and seen on websites other than the film of him running through the woods and unwrapping the entity. This additional film didn't lend any more credibility or evidence to his story and for all practical viewing purposes, didn't show a higher resolution to what is seen on the internet. Many remarked the beginning film was no better than the fictional "Blair Witch Project" which also had alot of heavy breathing and the entity bore a striking resemblance to props used in "Fire in the Sky". Frankly, many aspects of his presentation seemed like a play for sympathy and attention, sexual comments thrown in which seemed odd and especially the defensive nature in being questioned. Jonathan was stiff and made many script like statements, one of which was "If I am insane then so are all of you" - the response from the audience was laughter.


Unfortunately, if you wanted to believe the story, you were dependent on the film as there wasn't anything definitive to grab on to. No body, no witnesses, no physical evidence presented, no technical documentation, no DNA results published, no public records. Alot of excuses, - in fact too many to be credible. The bracelet was not mentioned in the original aired broadcast and hence seems unusual that it be brought up months later. Some would contend this is evidence of what the government has done in removing records but perhaps Jonathan has removed himself too far from people and therefore credibility. There is the contrast of the information from researchers and UFOlogists from around the world at the Congress that gave information on UFOs, had witnesses and contact information. Was Reed exhibiting reasonable paranoia? After all, there were many notable International speakers there making themselves available that had even more reason to have high security given the information they had over Jonathan's. I think the strength of any conference is in meeting the presenter to look them in the eye, shake their hand and ask them questions. You can get a feel for who they are.


A striking statement came from a San Diego Art Bell Chat Club member who had seen Reeds first presentation in San Diego and believed him and then did a 180 degree reverse on their decision on him after seeing his Congress presentation.

Art often states on air that he merely presents interesting stories and leaves it up to the hardcore UFOlogists to decide the validity of UFO incidents. If this is the case, then Reed didn't pass the test.

I think it goes without saying that what ever organizations or radio shows presents - it ultimately is the audience's - the public to make up their own minds.

This story is particularly of interest to the Seattle Art Bell Chat Club in light of the fact the incident supposedly happened near Seattle and as we are listeners of the Art Bell Radio show on which this story was initially aired.

We don't claim to be an investigative group but certainly an educated aware scrutinizing group that doesn't stand to loose or gain anything by looking into this story - yeh, even if we have to question Art (cause we do that all the time).

When questions started coming out again in the last month in light of Reed's Congress presentation - the Seattle Art Bell Chat Club started looking more into this story partly because of curiosity but more so to find the truth. Was this a fabricated story, a real extraterrestrial in our forests or a profile of a psychological liar? Hey, its our neck of the woods right? and we need to keep things safe for our dogs - whether its human or extraterrestrial. Yes, several of us may in the next few months try and locate the place where this incident occurred and find definitve answers.

Some background - when Reed's story came out in 1998, I took a poll among the chat club e-mail list (which at the time was about 50 or so) as to the whether they believed the story or not. Out of the responses - about 20, I didn't receive a single one that stated they whole heartedly believed it. Frankly, then we didn't see a need to look into it or discuss it at our meetings. The UFO groups in Washington closed the book on this when it first came out and rightfully so given the evasive nature of initial reports.

Charlette LeFevre

Coordinator Seattle UFO Paranormal Group
NW Museum of Legends and Lore