Maury Island UFO Incident
an ongoing Mystery
and Investigation by the
Northwest Museum of Legends and Lore, formerly the Seattle Museum of the Mysteries and the
Seattle UFO / Paranormal Group
Maury Island UFO Incident The
Island UFO Mystery is a complex case spanning several months in the
summer of 1947 in the Puget Sound area of Washington State. The mystery
occurred two weeks before Roswell and first involved UFOs seen over
Maury Island, followed by the famous Kenneth Arnold sighting of UFOs
over Mt. Rainier and ended with the tragic crash of a B-25 Bomber and
the deaths of two military intelligence officers - Capt. Davidson and
1st Lt. Frank Brown.
This article focuses on the crash site of the B-25 Bomber, a first ever interview with a local who was first on the scene, a newly discovered photo of the crash site, believed to be the only photo available of the Air Force¹s first plane crash and never seen before photos of Capt. William Davidson, 1st Lt. Frank Brown, Tacoma Times Reporter Paul Lantz and Harold Dahl - the man who claimed to have the sighting over Maury Island.
What Harold Dahl
might have seen over Maury Island, North of Mt.
Rainier in Washington State on June 21, 1947.
Illustration by Charlette LeFevre The Maury Island UFO Incident
The mystery starts with an alleged UFO sighting by Harold Dahl on June 21, 1947, 2:00 pm over Maury Island Washington. Dahl along with his son and two crewmen were salvaging logs south of Maury Island when they saw six doughnut shaped disks hovering over the bay. One disk was wobbling and appeared to be in trouble. It lowered itself to about 500 feet above the water and was joined by five other disks. Upon what appeared to be assistance from one of the disks, the floundering disk dropped what appeared to be shiny aluminum metal on the beach followed by black lava like rock (or slag) into the water which created steam upon hitting the water. The falling slag wounded Dahl¹s son Charles and killed their dog. Charles was taken to the local hospital in Tacoma for first aid and the dog¹s body was buried at sea on their return trip. Maury Island UFO Incident
days later on June 24, 1947, a pilot and
Federal Marshall by the name of Kenneth Arnold saw nine
disks skipping across the North face of Mt. Rainier and was to
become the
sighting in which media coined the term Flying Saucer. Arnold
would be
interviewed by the local and national press including Edward R. Murrow
his sighting made radio and news headlines around the world. Arnold
would later be interviewed by 1st Lt. Frank M. Brown along
with Capt. William L.
Davidson from Hamilton Field in California.
![]() Capt. William Davidson. Photo courtesy of family. ![]() 1st Lt. Frank M. Brown. Military Records
The Maury Island UFO Incident
Arnold was interested in UFOs after his sighting and answered a request
by Ray Palmer - an editor in Chicago to investigate the nearby Maury
Island sighting and a meeting was arranged with Harold Dahl at the
Winthrop Hotel in Tacoma where Arnold was joined by United Airlines
pilot Capt. E. J. Smith. The officers 1st Lt. Frank Brown and Capt. Davidson were called back to the Northwest at the request of Kenneth Arnold to also review these witnesses. The officers met with Kenneth Arnold and Fred Crisman at the Wintrhop Hotel in Tacoma and then left to return to Hamilton Field. It was about midnight on July 31, 1947 when they finished their interviews and they called for a command car to pick them up as they seemed in a hurry to return to Hamiliton Field as it was Air Force Day - the inauguration day of the separation of the Air Force from the Army and they stated all planes were needed. Kenneth Arnold in his book ³The Coming of the Saucers² comments that just as the Army command car pulled up in front of the hotel where he and Capt. Smith were staying, Fred L. Crisman - Harold Dahl¹s supervisor came by and started taking a large Kellogg¹s corn flakes box (believed to be a large box with flaps) out of his trunk and Kenneth Arnold helped Crisman unload this box from his car into the trunk of the command car. Arnold states he could see the top of the box flapping open and ³Inside the box were a great number of large chunks of material that looked similar to the fragments they had in their room². Arnold yelled Goodbye and good luc² as the command car drove away. That was the last time Arnold and Capt. Smith were to see the officers. Soon after returning to his hotel room, a Tacoma Times reporter Ted Morello called to say that a mysterious telephone informant had told him what had taken place in their hotel room. This informant¹s information appeared accurate to the point that Arnold thought a small transmitter had been planted somewhere in their room although they could never find one. 1 The Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury The Maury Island UFO Incident The Maury Island UFO Incident The Maury Island UFOIsland UFO Incident The
B-25 Bomber Crash - the Air Force¹s first Fatalities A local newspaper article also gave clues to what happened aboard the plane. Woodrow D. Matthews, crew chief of the bomber reported helping Davidson and Brown into their parachutes and that at the time he jumped, flames from the blazing left engine were pouring into the cockpit. It was reported that Brown was ³standing in the aisle ready to leave the plane ³ when Matthews himself jumped out. 6 Brown was found at the crash site with his parachute harness on but had apparently returned to the cockpit. The Maury Island UFO Incident Matthews related that the
only reason he could see that the
officers did not get out was that the left wing might have crumpled,
trapping them in the plane. 6 T/4 Woodrow D. Matthews, crew chief of
the bomber who put the parachute on Sgt. Taff saving his life was
proposed for the Soldier¹s Medal. An FBI report states the left wing
was found 125 yards from the plane impact site and likely fell off
throwing the plane into a plummeting spin. 3 Later that day Kenneth
Arnold again received a call from Ted Morello. The mysterious informant
that kept calling Morello stated the B-25 bomber from Hamilton Field
had been shot down by a 20mm cannon. The Tacoma Times that day¹s
headlines read ³Sabotage Hinted in Crash of Army Bomber at Kelso and a
sub-headline read ³Plane May Hold Flying Disk Secret². Written by Paul
Lance the article stated the plane had been sabotaged or shot down to
prevent shipment of flying disk fragments to Hamilton Field,
California, for analysis. ³The disk parts were said by the informant to
be those from one of the mysterious platters which plunged to earth on
the Maury Island² recently. Leading substance to the caller¹s theory is
the fact that twelve hours before the Army released official
identification, the informant correctly identified the dead in the
crash to be Capt. William L. Davidson and 1st Lt. Frank M. Brown. This
Tacoma Times article also stated ³At McChord field an intelligence
officer confirmed the informants report that the B-25 Bomber had been
carrying classified material¹. 1
The Maury Island UFO Incident
On March 18, 2006 we
interviewed Robert Davenport of Kelso, Washington
at a local restaurant and he related clearly how as a fifteen year old
boy his neighbor had alerted his family of a report of a crash in the
area and he how went with his father immediately to the site. He and
his father were the first persons at the crash site in the early
morning hours of Aug. 1, 1947 later to be joined by other neighbors and
locals. He stated the crash site was easy to find due to all the smoke
rising from the numerous small fires. He described the site as gruesome
and dangerous as there were still numerous small fire explosions due to
the igniting of pockets of spilled fuel. The plane had impacted the
hill at the base of three alder trees and there was burnt debris
everywhere. Davenport described how it was hard for the Sheriff¹s cars
to make it up the rough roads and several cars had their fuel tanks
damaged. This was confirmed by other newspaper reports. The military
had used their property as a base camp and spent over a week in
cleaning up the debris and moving the larger pieces to a nearby corn
field. Surprisingly, our inquiries regarding this crash was the first
he had ever heard of this plane crash having any connection to UFOs and
he was not aware of any secret or classified material on board.
The Maury Island UFO Incident
The Maury Island UFO Incident
Maury Island UFO Incident
The Maury Island UFO Incident
The Maury Island UFO Incident
The Maury Island UFO Incident The First Photo Longview
Daily News reports Air Force Day Marred As B-25 Crashes Here After the interview we
decided to check out the local area and see if
we could find any further newspaper articles on the crash as the
previous year we had discovered a Kelso article that provided more
details of the crash area. Our efforts proved more fruitful than we had
imagined. We discovered not only another article but a photo of the
crash site. 8
The photo was likely taken in the early morning hours by a local photographer for the small newspaper long before the military arrived. As the date was Aug. 1st it was likely printed for the evening edition of the newspaper. We believe this is the only photo available of the crash made available to the public and the first historical photo of the Air Force¹s first plane crash and fatalities. The photo suddenly made the incident seem even more real - more so than any other document could describe and gave a weighted impact to the deaths of Capt. Davidson and 1st Lt. Frank Brown. This photo is believed to be the only printed photo by a newspaper as Kenneth Arnold stated the military authorities had roped off the surrounding 150 acres around the crashed plane and nobody was allowed within that area. According to Kenneth Arnold not even the Civil Air Patrol themselves could approach the crash site. 7 The Maury Island UFO Incident The Maury Island UFO Incident The Maury Island UFO Incident Military,
Media and attempted Cover Up of the Maury Island UFO Incident The Maury Island UFO Incident The Maury Island UFO Incident The Maury Island UFO Incident Still
a Mystery -
The Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident
Indeed, these new discoveries demonstrate that not all cases are investigated fully and time may reveal more information on a mystery that remains as complex and unsolved today as it was almost sixty years ago. This incident serves to commend the actions of the officers that whether or not they believed the slag was legitimate or that the stories were contrived, these two intelligence officers took the witnesses and sightings seriously enough to interview the pilots and witnesses and risked their lives to secure what they believed to be evidence. This article is dedicated to the men and women who take a risk to find the truth. Charlette LeFevre and Philip Lipson will continue to investigate this case, and document this Northwest mystery. __________________________________________________________ 1. Arnold, Kenneth and
Palmer, Ray. ³The Coming of
the Saucers², 1952.
Ray Palmer, Amherst, Wisconsin. Maury Island |
Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident The Maury Island UFO Incident The Maury Island UFO Incident The Maury Island UFO Incident The Maury Island U
available, the first book from the Northwest Museum of Legends and Lore
The Maury Island UFO Incident - The Story behind the Air Force's first military plane crash Now on The Maury Island UFO Incident is a bizarre mystery case spanning several months in the summer of 1947 in the Puget Sound area of Washington State and involved the Air Force’s first military plane crash. Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident This
book focuses on the crash site of the B-25 Bomber, a first ever
interview with
a local who was first on the scene and a newly discovered news photo of
crash site, believed to be the only photo available of the historical
crash featured on the cover of the book.
This book brings forth
more photos and new information than ever before on this
The Maury Island UFO Incident
The mystery occurred two weeks before Roswell and involved three facets. The first facet the story by Harold Dahl of UFOs seen over Maury Island, the second Kenneth Arnold’s sighting of UFOs over Mt. Rainier and the third, the tragic crash of a B-25 Bomber and the deaths of two military intelligence officers. As the Air Force separated from the Army August 1st 1947 this was the first crash and fatalities of the Air Force. Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident
“When I met Charlette LeFevre and Philip Lipson in 2007, I found them to be enthusiastic researchers who were energetically pursuing and impartially sifting through the facts about the Maury Island incident. This book is the result of their efforts. It presents new evidence and new analysis, and every reader will find it intriguing and informative.” Maury Island UFO Incident — Larry Haapanen, Ph.D, the last UFO investigator for the Fourth Air Force.
The Maury Island UFO Incident
The Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Amazon Reader Review, March 17, 2014 - Charlette LeFevre and Philip
Lipson have done a great investigative job into
one of the most bizarre, enigmatic, and
strange UFO cases around. I have been personally investigating this
case for
over 40 years now and was very surprised to find information and
photographs in
their book that I have never seen before. Whatever this classic 1947
really represents; either a real UFO event, some kind of coverup using
UFOs as
a foil, or a downright hoax, ... do not pick up the investigation trail
yourself without reading this book and adding it to your UFO
research library! - Rod Dyke, Founder of UFO News Clipping
Service, Golden Age Collectibles About the Authors
“Scully and Mulder” of the Northwest,
Charlette LeFevre and Philip Lipson have been researching, the Maury
Island UFO case since 2001 Amazon |
Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident The Maury Island UFO Incident The Maury nt
The Maury Island UFO Incident
Directors Philip Lipson, Charlette LeFevre with Clyde Lewis of Ground Zero Radio at the McMinnville UFO Festival 2014. Presenting on the Maury Island UFO Incident Headline in the back from the Tacoma Times - Wrecked Bomber Carried Disc Secret Listen to the show Return to Maury Island New Headline discovered in 2013 by museum Directors..
Wrecked Bomber Carried Disc Secret regarding The Maury Island UFO Incident Tacoma Times, Aug. 4, 1947 The Maury Island UFO Incident The Maury Island UFO Incident The Maury Island UFO Incident The Maury Island UFO Incident ANNOUNCEMENT - The Maury Island UFO Incident New Historical Article found on Maury Island UFO Incident Northwest Museum of Legends and Lore recently found a front page headline that relates a UFO sighting to the Air Force’s first military plane crash in the state of Washington. Recently researcher Charlette LeFevre and Philip Lipson made yet another discovery of a news headline that further documents the Air Force crash that involved military officers carrying back what is believed to be evidence from a UFO sighting. The incident that involved a Maury Island UFO sighting, interviewing witnesses and pilot Kenneth Arnold has become known as the Maury Island UFO Incident. For researchers of the Maury Island UFO sighting this is likened to finding another Roswell headline that had yet been undiscovered and disclosed. Maury Island UFO Incident The Maury Island UFO Incident The Maury Island UFO Incident The Maury Island UFO Incident The Maury Island UFO Incident “Wrecked Bomber Carried Disc Secret Mon. - Aug. 4, 1947, Tacoma TimesArmy Says Data Was On Plane The Maury Island UFO Incident The Maury Island UFO IncidentThe Maury Island UFO Incident T![]() Paul Lantz, Tacoma Times Reporter. Photo courtesy of family. By Paul Lantz Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO The Maury Island UFO Incident
The Maury Island UFO Incident The Maury Island UFO Incident
The Maury Island UFO Incident
The army air forces Monday confirmed reports the B-25 bomber which crashed at Kelso Friday carrying classified secret material pertaining to discs. The Maury Island UFO Incident The Maury Island UFO Incident The Maury Island UFO Incident The Maury Island UFO Incident According to a United Press report Monday, Brig. Gen. Ned Schramm, chief of staff of the Fourth air force at San Francisco, confirmed a story carried exclusively in the Tacoma Times Saturday that the planes had been on a disc mission. The Times, which was the first newspaper to break the story, had been informed by an anonymous tipster that the fallen plane carried disc data at the time of the crash. Still unconfirmed is the tipster’s statement that the crash was caused by sabotage. It was revealed Monday that specimens obtain on Maury Island by two Tacoma businessmen are of a substance unknown to the University of Chicago metallurgists. The Maury Island UFO Incident The Maury Island UFO Incident The Maury Island UFO Incident The Maury Island UFO Incident H.A. Dahl in the newsroom of The Tacoma Times told reports that fragments picked up at the island by himself and partner prior to the first sighting of the discs, were still unclassified by University of Chicago technicians.”… The Maury Island UFO Incident The Maury Island UFO Incident The Maury Island UFO Incident The Maury Island UFO Incident Previously, in 2006 the museum researchers had discovered a never before seen news article in the Kelsonian Tribune “Flying Disk Investigators Die in Army Bomber Wreck” and through local interviews located the spot of the B-25 Bomber crash site near Kelso Washington on Aug. 15, 2007 along with landowner James Greear. Maury Island UFO Incident The Northwest Museum of Legends and Lore formerly the Seattle Museum of the Mysteries has been researching the mystery since 2001. LeFevre and Lipson hope to publish a book in the upcoming weeks on the complete incident with new documents, photos and information. The incident involved such personalities as Harold Dahl, Kenneth Arnold who’s sighting over Mt. Rainier is when media coined the term flying saucer, the first documented case of a man in black, and Fred Crisman who would later be interviewed by Jim Garrison on the JFK assassination. Maury Island UFO Incident The Maury Island UFO Incident The Maury Island UFO Incident The Maury Island UFO Incident The Charlette LeFevre and Philip Lipson Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Directors, Northwest Museum of Legends and Lore Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO |
Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident
Photos from the Men in Black Burien UFO Festival April 1, 2014 Philip Lipson, John White Exec. Producer of Maury Island Incident and a glowing UFO in Burien |
Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident
Kelso Crash: Mystery behind the Air Force's first
plane crash
found from Air Force¹s first plane crash in Kelso Washington 1947.
The Maury Island UFO Incident In the early morning hours
of Aug. 1, 1947, a B25
Bomber left McChord Field and crashed in Kelso with what has always
been considered a mysterious cargo of black lava rock slag reported to
have been ejected from an unidentified craft during a sighting over
Maury Island. Capt. Davidson and First Lieutenant Frank M. Brown were
flying back to Hamilton Air Force Base in California when reportedly
their left engine caught on fire and crashed in Kelso killing both
officers. As this crash occurred Aug. 1, 1947, the day the Air Force
separated from the Army, this historically became the Air Force¹s first
military crash and first fatalities. It is believed both Davidson and
Brown knew the urgency of the situation but stayed with the plane until
the last moments. Maury Island UFO Incident
On March 18, 2006 the museum Directors interviewed Robert Davenport of
Kelso, Washington and he related clearly how as a fifteen year old boy
he and his father were the first persons at the crash site. He
described the site as dangerous as there were still numerous small fire
explosions due to the igniting of pockets of spilled fuel. The plane
had impacted the hill at the base of three alder trees and there was
burnt debris everywhere. The military had used Davenport¹s property as
a base camp and spent over a week in cleaning up the debris.
The Directors hope to pick up the mission 60 years later to
analyze the possible slag in question for its properties. Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident |
UFO community worldwide has proclaimed June 24th International UFO
Research Day in honor of Kenneth Arnold.
Fate Magazines first issue features
and article by Kenneth Arnold "The Truth about the Flying Saucers.
Kenneth Arnold would give a first hand report on the Maury Island UFO Incident
Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident
The Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident
Three days
before Kenneth Arnold's famous 1947 saucer sighting on Mount Rainier,
on June 21, 1947 in
Puget Sound a Washingtonian named Harold Dahl watched five flying
saucers come to the aid of a sixth wobbling in the sky just off Maury
Island (now Vashon Island). The saucers spewed hot ash and slag that
wounded Dahl's son and killed their dog. Their dog was buried at sea
before they returned and Harold sought medical attention for his son at
the hospital.
This occurance was to be investigated later by the military Captain William Davidson and First Lieutenant Frank M. Brown. The officers interviewed Dahl at Tacoma's Winthrop hotel and collected evidence of black lava rock. On August 1, 1947 their modified B-25 bomber crashed in Kelso Washington on their return flight with the evidence. According to the FBI, the military report and the two survivors, the left engine had caught fire and the officers stayed with the evidence. The Kelsonian Tribune headlines announced the next day " Flying Disk Investigators die in Army Bomber Wreck".
Harold Dahl was soon after visited by a "Man in Black" at a Tacoma cafe and soon after would claim the incident was a hoax.
Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident
Hotel today 2005 in Tacoma. Location of the interview with the military
Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident
The first page of the Maury Island
Mystery from Key Comics.
Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident
Please note as of Sept. 26, 2007 this area has been registered as a Historical and Archaeological site with the State of Washington and is adjacent to private land. The museum directors cleared regulation with the
Air Force and the Museum of Flight that Video
If above link does not work, paste link below. Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident
Tradition of Heroes"
History of Air Force Day Air Force logo Air
Force Day was established on August 1, 1947, by President Truman "in recognition of the personnel of the victorious Army Air Forces and all those who have developed and maintained our nation's air strength." August 1 was chosen to mark the 40th anniversary of the establishment, in 1907, of the Aeronautical Division in the Office of the Chief Signal Officer of the Army. Air Force Day came into being immediately after the signing of the National Security Act of 1947, although the status of the air element of the military was uncertain. Thus, although it was called Air Force Day, its first celebration was staged by the Army Air Forces and not by the U.S. Air Force. Underlying the Air Force Day celebration was a need to increase "both official and public awareness of the priority of importance of air forces in any system of national security," according to Mr. Truman. "The great strategic fact of our generation is that the United States now possesses live frontiers -- the frontiers of the air -- and that the oceans are no longer sure ramparts against attack." In his message to the nation on the first Air Force Day, Mr. Truman said, "I remind all of our citizens that the air power of the nation is essential to the preservation of our liberty, and that the continued development of the science of air transportation is vital to the trade and commerce of a peaceful world." Air Force Day was last observed on August 1, 1949. |
Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident
Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incidentcident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident
request for photo use, inquiries regarding the ongoing research of the
Kelso Crash or requests
for presentations regarding
The Maury Island UFO Incident can be directed to the
Directors of the
Northwest Museum of the Mysteries
Charlette LeFevre and Philip Lipson at
Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Inciden
Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident
All rights reserved.
No part of these photos or articles may be reproduced without the
express permission of the copyright owners.
Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident
Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Inci
Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident Maury Island UFO Incident